My writing before was about how to create a good sales letter contained header block. From what I saw and learned from several sales letter sites have some secrets. The secrets itself are ability to attract visitors by the eye-balls and pull them in. You have to grab their attention to by using your image. This image must contains company or product logo, blending with good photograph which illustrate related about your product or business and this image also can be put with link navigation to your mini-site or specific story of your product. You can tell about product benefits. But it’s just an option.
Talking about link navigation, having your link navigation in header block will give you an advantage; your visitors won’t spend time to read your entire of sales letter. It keeps your visitor stay not boring. Keeping your visitor stays with figuring out how to navigate through your site.
The important of them all is to compel your visitor into reading your headline. It means you have to do professionally designed because the success of your mini-site depends directly on how well you execute each of these blocks!
These are some examples;
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